世界こんにちは! Our new Japanese Web
こんにちは ! We have been providing Data Room Services in Japan for a while now. Today, we are very happy to introduce our Japan dedicated website!
こんにちは ! We have been providing Data Room Services in Japan for a while now. Today, we are very happy to introduce our Japan dedicated website!
We already know that M&A is at the core of the Virtual Data Room industry. But why do Virtual Data Rooms make life easier during M&A? We will be exploring 11 reasons why sophisticated technology is being used to connect buyers and sellers across the globe, leading to record breaking multi-billion dollar transactions.
The advancement in sophisticated technology has allowed multi-million dollar transactions to be conducted on the internet through data rooms. With the middle east recording twice as many transactions in the first quarter of 2014 as opposed to the last quarter of 2013 at $2 billion, it is no surprise that data room due diligence are happening virtually. With the UAE being the 19th most attractive country
我从事于虚拟资料室相关的工作。在我所有参与过的项目中,律师的身影一直贯彻其中。律师,尤其是企业律师顾问,他们的身影出现在虚拟资料室的每一个阶段。尽管大多数律师在工作中离不开虚拟资料室,很多律师并不喜欢这一技术。下面我们一起来找找原因: 律师为什么喜欢虚拟资料室 1. 提高效率 使用虚拟资料室律师可以在短时间内浏览项目相关的文件。这样,在同一段时间内,使用虚拟资料室的律师能比其他同行多完成一些项目。他们只需要有一台可以联网的电脑就可完成所有工作。律师不必奔波于办公室与客户之间,可以节省大量时间用于项目执行。提高工作效率同时意味着在相同时间内,他们可以完成更多的项目,或在较短时间内完成同样的项目。
自2007年起在印度建立了自己的办公室。回想当年,我们花了很多时间让客户了解虚拟资料室的优势以及重要性。那个时候,很多客户用的还是传统的打印式。 许多投资顾问说过,从纸质资料室到虚拟资料室的转变是非常缓慢的过程,很大一部分原因在于客户习惯了原本的运作方式。同时,对于一些客户来说,在没有完全了解一项新技术的时候他们无法放心使用这项技术。幸运的是,虽然进展缓慢,但虚拟资料室这一技术现已被投融资类专家接受。一年又一年,我们见证了这一行业的发展。
I work in the virtual data room industry. Out of the 250+ transactions I have been involved in, I have never come across a due diligence process which is absent from lawyers. Lawyers, specifically corporate lawyers, do more work on the virtual data room at every stage, from the start of the process till the end, than probably all of the other parties combined. Even
M&A is at the core of the Virtual Data Room industry. If mergers and acquisitions did not exist then I can confidently state that the Virtual Data Room industry would not be a multi-million dollar industry. I speak out of experience. I joined the industry in 2008 and have since then been involved in 249 virtual data rooms, 95% of which have been successfully concluded
近几年来,越来越多的中国公司开始使用虚拟资料室服务。经过多年的观察我们发现,中国客户在选择虚拟资料室时常犯以下几种错误: 1. 认为所有虚拟资料室都是安全的 很多人在提到虚拟资料室时的第一反应是密码、水印、限制打印等措施。的确,文档保护是虚拟资料室提供的一种保证客户信息安全的措施,但这仅仅是检测资料室安全性的一个因素。除此之外,我们还要考虑很多其他因素,如基础设施、人员设置等等。
虚拟资料室被Acquisition International评为“亚太地区年度优秀虚拟资料室”、“西班牙地区年度优秀虚拟资料室”以及“英国年度优秀虚拟资料室”。 EthosData(德信)荣获多项殊荣,在英国市场持续保持领先地位,同时在亚太和西班牙地区快速成长。 EthosData(德信),全球领先的虚拟资料室供应商,今天宣布 其在2014年度获得多项荣誉称号,包括:亚太地区年度最佳虚拟资料室供应商,西班牙年度虚拟资料室服务商,英国虚拟资料室供应商领跑者。 EthosData(德信)已连续两届被Acquisition International评为优秀虚拟资料室。
It is an honor to share an award for excellence in Virtual Data Room services with leading companies. Congratulations to our fellow competitors Intralinks and Merrill Datasite for the recent awards they received from the reputed magazine Acquisition Internation.