Virtual Data Room Blog

5 Common Mistakes When Choosing A Data Room Provider

When you’re choosing a data room provider, making an extra effort to avoid five common mistakes will save you work down the line. It can also prevent financial losses and avoid compromising the integrity of your data. There’s risk involved in everything you do in business. Some risks can be mitigated more easily than others, and doing your due diligence when choosing your provider will

By |2023-08-17T07:38:04+00:00November 1st, 2012|Blogs|


虚拟数据室现已被世界各国企业、公司所接受,因此想找到一个合格的虚拟数据库(虚拟资料室/虚拟数据室)供应商并不难。从这些大大小小的公司所使用的不同的数据库也不难发现,虚拟数据库供应商也比比皆是。也许通过搜索您很容易能找到这些公司,但是如何才能确保您选择了最适合您的数据库呢?在您做最后的决定之前,您应考虑以下5个问题。 1. 这是一家什么样的公司? 您所选择的虚拟数据库(虚拟资料室/虚拟数据室)供应商要能从各方各面与您配合。候选公司的股东是哪些公司?该公司是否为哪个知名集团旗下的一支?一个有强大企业集团做后盾的虚拟数据库(虚拟资料?室/虚拟数据室)供应商绝对要比那些刚刚起步的公司更有保障。数据库公司的管理层都有哪些经历、该公司的历史有多长?总之一句话,你所期望的合作公司应是一个在该行业经验丰富、或那些客户们会毫不犹豫跟你推荐的公司。 2. 该公司提供什么样的服务?

By |2023-08-16T18:00:34+00:00October 30th, 2012|Blogs|

5 Questions To Ask Your Prospective Virtual Data Room Provider

Finding a quality virtual data room provider should not be challenge now that virtual data rooms have gained global acceptance. However, the popularity of virtual data rooms, now used in the majority of mid to large M&A transactions, means that providers are a dime a dozen. They may be easy to find, but how do you decide if your prospective provider will be a good

By |2023-08-16T12:00:17+00:00October 26th, 2012|Blogs|

6 áreas para optimizar el lanzamiento de un Dataroom Virtual

Hay muchas ventajas en la utilización de un dataroom virtual en las operaciones de M&A. Sin embargo, en algunos casos, el proceso de organización y lanzamiento puede parecer intimidante, sobre todo la primera vez que se organiza un dataroom. Siguiendo unos sencillos consejos, es puede asegurarse de que la configuración del dataroom sea fácil y eficaz: 1. Utilizando Profesionales de Inversión La creación del contednio del un

By |2023-08-16T11:58:03+00:00October 25th, 2012|Blogs|

What Is A Data Room ?

A Data Room (virtual dataroom or VDR) is, simply put, an electronic version of a traditional data room, accessed through a secure, encrypted web connection, where parties can access the documentation needed during due diligence. It is hosted by a dataroom service provider, who makes sure that all information is held securely allowing the clients to select what each user can do with each piece

By |2023-08-16T11:59:29+00:00October 19th, 2012|Blogs|


  虚拟数据库(虚拟资料室/虚拟数据室)现如今以被广泛适用于各兼并/并购交易中。在过去的五年里,数据库被越来越多的投资者所接受,并运用与各种各样的金融/投资交易中。可以说虚拟数据库(虚拟资料室/虚拟数据室)几乎已取代了过去老式的、以纸张为主的文件/信息交换。这种变化是国际化的,哪怕是那些相对传统的国家和地区 – 中国、印度、拉丁美洲等,也开始顺应这个趋势。

By |2023-08-16T17:59:01+00:00October 18th, 2012|Blogs|

Five Focus Areas To Set Up A Virtual Dataroom

There are many benefits to setting up a virtual data room, yet the setup process itself can feel intimidating. By following a few simple tips, you can ensure that your dataroom setup will move smoothly and efficiently, providing the end result of a safe and secure virtual environment for your confidential information.

By |2023-08-17T07:30:50+00:00October 11th, 2012|Blogs|

4 consejos para entender el coste de un Dataroom Virtual

¿Cuánto cuesta organizar un dataroom virtual? ¿Cómo funciona la estrucutura de honorarios de un data room?  Esta es una de las preguntas que normalmente escuchamos de posibles clientes.  En este post intentamos aclarar como saber lo que de verdad va a costar un dataroom.   Durante las transacciones de M&A y otras transacciones de capital de riesgo, hay una montaña de documentación que debe estar disponible

By |2012-06-11T15:53:00+00:00June 11th, 2012|Blogs|


两三年前,人们曾对这个问题进行大量的讨论。慢慢的,大家得出了结论——无论哪种交易,资料室都是必需品,不管人们喜不喜欢。Christopher Kummer博士和Vlado Sliskovic 曾对虚拟资料室对并购以及企业联盟的影响做了非常详细的调查。

By |2023-08-17T07:34:29+00:00January 8th, 2012|Blogs|