Virtual Data Room Blog

Vulnerabilidad Heartbleed: EthosData no ha sido afectado

La plataforma de dataroom virtual de EthosData no se ha visto afectada por Heartbleed.  El 7 de Abril se hizo pública la existancia del fallo de seguridad Heartbleed. Heartbleed es una vulnerabilidad que se encuentra en el software OpenSSL.  Este software es utilizado por millones de servidores en el mundos para guardar información confidencial tal como contraseñas y nombres de usuarios.   HeartBleed Bug hace

By |2023-08-16T16:37:07+00:00April 14th, 2014|Blogs|

Heartbleed Bug: Our Dataroom is safe

EthosData virtual data room platforms are NOT affected by the Heartbleed this bug. On April 7th researchers made public the existence of Heartbleed. Heartbleed is a vulnerability found in OpenSSL software used on millions of servers to help guard confidential credentials such as passwords and usernames.

By |2023-08-17T07:30:07+00:00April 11th, 2014|Blogs|

Virtual Data Room in China: Our experience

We’ve been providing virtual data room services in China since 2008, and we’ve learnt a lot in this time. Here are some of the experiences we’ve gained and our insights into the ways in which the Chinese dataroom market differs from others. In most world markets, the adoption of the virtual data room services has been driven by their use in mergers and acquisition (M&A) transactions,

By |2023-08-17T07:44:58+00:00April 1st, 2014|Blogs|


之前我们提到过,虚拟资料室在中国的发展是由IPO项目开始的。众所周知,首次公开募股的程序非常复杂,涉及到大量文件。一般我们建议公司在上市前一年开始着手准备相关材料。 资料筹备过程中,会有不同人士参与其中,如投资银行家、律师、会计师、财务保荐人、券商、公司行政人员及董事会成员等。相对的,文件共享则成了一个重要问题,如何才能快速准确的让所有人得到相关资料呢?过去大家常用的邮件、FTP等储存方式都有一定的弊端,这里我们来介绍一下虚拟资料室在此类项目中的应用。

By |2023-08-16T17:43:49+00:00March 20th, 2014|Blogs|


使用虚拟资料室代替传统的档案(资料)室来进行机密文件的共享的现象已经更加普遍。在很多国家,设立资料室是一个非常复杂的过程。在此我们要感谢所有在这个行业中努力奋斗,为用户提供优质服务的虚拟资料室供应商们,这是有了他们的付出,虚拟资料室这一概念才能广泛的被人们接受。 无论您是在交易领域从业多年的资深人士,还是初出江湖正在研究您人生中的第一个资料室,以下5大误区是一定要避免的。 误区#1:没有计划 完整的计划对于所有项目来说都很重要,而创建资料室其实并不复杂。提前做好计划能够大大减少执行时所需的时间和精力。 按照交易需求设置清晰的项目构架 如何添加或更改用户权限 管理系统问答的方式

By |2023-08-16T17:41:19+00:00March 17th, 2014|Blogs|

Virtual Data Room Service: Now even easier !

The secret to finding a good virtual data room provider is to find one that offers great service. Sure, the platform is important, but given the way technology has developed, a good number of the most reputable providers offer platforms that do not differ enormously.  Top-notch platforms are becoming simpler; users are now used to the concept and the technology in general is faster.

By |2023-08-17T07:36:39+00:00March 7th, 2014|Blogs|

我们的中文名 — 德信


By |2023-08-17T07:40:21+00:00March 5th, 2014|Blogs|

Announcing our China Virtual Data Room Name 德信!

We have been providing virtual data room services in China since 2008.  We made a big investment very early and through our partnership with HeterMedia our local service based in Beijing and our great platform, we believe that we have made our dataroom the leading player in the Chinese market.  The key to our sucess providing dataroom services in China has been that we have

By |2014-03-03T16:35:00+00:00March 3rd, 2014|Blogs|