Technology_and_Due_DiligenceThe due diligence process has evolved rapidly over the years from its initial paper based dataroom to the more sophisticated Virtual data rooms. Technology has greatly transformed the wayin which transactions are executed, saving time and making it easier to manage multi-party global transactions. 

The use of different platforms is facilitating the quick delivery of deal information to a wider group of participants. As a result, crucial stages of transaction can now be done remotely and simultaneously by several parties.

Our US Joint Venture Partner, The Vintage Group along with Mergermarket recently organized a Panel discussion with five M&A experts to discuss the growing role of technology in M&A transactions. Some of the key areas of discussion were: 

  • How technology has evolved in terms of its use in the deal making process
  • How available is the new technology to those engaged in the deals and the kinds of platforms that are available in the market
  • Areas in which technology is limited in its use in the deal making process
  • What issues can companies face if they are not using technology in the deal process and why companies must take care when using technology in running transactions 

You can download a copy of this informative panel discussion – Rebooting the deal Process from the link here
